Monday, August 20, 2007

The first day of school 2007/2008

My 10 year old son was so excited to be going back to school. We have come a long way in 2 years. He use to hate school, but we changed schools and were blessed with a wonderful teacher who turned him around. All I have heard for the last 3 weeks, has been mom I love you but I am ready to go back to school. I hope he still feels that way in 9 weeks. I am worried about posting pictures of kids on the web, so no pics of son's first day. I don't think those who post to my blog would do anything, but their are some weird people lurking out there.
School starting back, means back to work for me. I love my job and the people I meet but it is going to be a busy busy year.
Watch out for the kids as you travel the roads they have other things running through their heads rather than watching out for traffic.
Have a great week

Friday, August 17, 2007

Nice Matters Award

I would like to thank Andi for awarding me the Nice Matters Award. I agree with her comment ... It's nice to be important but it is more important to be nice. Thanks again Andi. I have made several new blog friends and would like to thank all of you for stopping by my blog. I enjoy reading all of you pages.

Thursday, August 16, 2007

Here are the rules: 1. You have to post these rules before you give the facts. 2. Players, you must list one fact that is somehow relevant to your life for each letter of their middle name. If you don’t have a middle name, use the middle name you would have liked to have had. 3. When you are tagged you need to write your own blog-post containing your own middle name game facts. 4. At the end of your blog-post, you need to choose one person for each letter of your middle name to tag. 5. Don’t forget to leave them a comment telling them they’re tagged, and to read your blog. My middle name is Gail

G- I am a girly girl (most of the time)
A- artistic I am not but I like scrapbooking and crafts
I- I have a good imagination (most of the time) I would like to write a novel one day
L- Love of my life God, my husband and son
This was Christmas 2006. My nephew
told me I was watching to much HGTV
and had to much time on my hands.

I don't really know that many people on the blogging scene yet, so I really don't know who to tag, but if you would like to play along, I would love to read your info
My son and a little friend
fishing in South Carolina

Saturday, August 11, 2007

I've been tagged.... 7 things about me

I've been tagged....thanks Wendy

7 Things about me....

1. I still live in the childhood home I grew up in. Was born and raised right here in good old Polk County, never lived any where else but Polk County.
2. I still remember the original phone number and address. (the address has changed since the post office did away with Rual Route numbers.
3 My husband and I dated 3 different times he finally convinced me to marry him the last. That was 14 years ago.
4. I have never been west of the Mississippi River.
5. I am the youngest of three children there is 11 1/2 years between my sister and I and 9 1/2 between my brother and I. Yes I was spoiled.
6. I am a car singer.... I drives my 10 year old son crazy.
7. I like old things.... furniture cars dishes, it doesn't have to be an antique just old. I love shopping at thrift stores .

So these are 7 things about me and I am tagging Andi, Cindy and Rhoda

Thursday, August 2, 2007

HIGH SCHOOL QUESTIONNAIRE ~ I saw this on Andi's page and decided to add it. Brings back good memories

1. Who was your best friend? My very best friend until the day he died Steven and Traci
2. Did you play any sports? No, I was going to tryout for volleyball, went to all the practices before tryouts and chickened out the day of tryouts.
3. What kind of car did you drive? A Ford Bronco II my senior year
4. It’s Friday night. Where were you? If it wasn't my weekend to be with my dad.... football game, movies with Steven or a church function
5. Were you a party animal? No
6. Were you considered a flirt? No
7. Were you in the band, orchestra or choir? Church youth choir
8. Were you a nerd? No
9. Were you ever suspended or expelled? No!
10. Can you sing the fight song? NO
11. Who was your favorite teacher? Coach Respress
12. What was your school mascot? Bulldog
13. Did you go to the Prom? Yes, my senior prom. Was at an Future Business Leaders of America state conference for my Junior Prom
14. If you could go back, would you? No
15. What do you remember most about graduation? My sister gave birth to a still born baby boy about 3 weeks before my graduation and that day was the first day my parents spoke civial words to each other since their divorce. My graduation was the first event that both of them were at together since 5th grade.
16. Where were you on Senior Skip Day? With my sister
17. Did you have a job your senior year? No, I was fortunate enough not to have to go to work until after I finished nursing school.
18. Where did you go most often for lunch? We were not allowed to leave campus so we had to eat in the cafeteria. Thank goodness the food was good.
19. Have you gained weight since then? uh, yeah
20. What did you do after graduation? I went home. I was just glad to see my parents together and not fighting
21. What year did you graduate? 1986
22. Who was your Senior Prom Date? Steven
23. Are you going/did you go to your 10 year reunion? No

Sunday, July 29, 2007

Wow I didn't realize I hadn't posted all week

It has been a good week. Monday my DS and I went to Lakeland. We were able to go to a few thrift stores that Wendy from Ramblings from Florida had told me about. I found a couple of things, but nothing to get real excited about. DS signed up basketball with Upword sports through our church. He has never played basketball so this should be interesting. Then yesterday I spent all day at the Lakeland Center at a back to school event. I was part of a group that was providing school physicals for children. It was a huge event.

Hopefully this week I will manage to do more blogging and come up with some pictures to add.

Hope everyone has had a great weekend and have a good week.

Thursday, July 19, 2007

In Memory of my daddy

This is in memory of my dad. I am a day early but the rest of the week is going to be really busy. I read a post recently and she was describing her life and relationship with her daddy. And the fact that at 40 years old she was still introduced as his baby. It could have been my story. I am the youngest of 3 children, and am separated by 9 and 11 years from my siblings. I was always daddy's baby girl. On July 20th he would have been 75 years old. I was blessed to have had a very close relationship to him. After he was diagnosed with cancer he came to live with us, and I took care of him for the last 4 months of his life. He only lived about 4 1/2 months from the time we found out.
He was my hero, my inspiration, my greatest supporter, my everything. He was a retired Deputy with the Polk County Sheriffs Office and was in law enforcement all of my life either part time or full time. He loved to fish and cook and loved his family. I recall a conversation we had a few weeks before he became sick, I think he knew something was going on but not sure what. I had taken him to the grocery store and it happened to be my birthday I will never forget it. When we got back to his house I did some dishes, and picked up. He asked me to sit down out side with him and talk. Over the years we have done a lot of talking. But he sat there and told me " you know I am not ready to go any where yet, but when the time comes I don't want you to be sad. I want to you to think of it like I am on a long fishing trip with my 2 brothers" I think that is part of what has helped me make it through the past 3 years. I use to think that when he died I would never survive it. But I have a precious little boy/young man that thinks the sun rose and set on his papa. And he helps me remember the good times. That and the fact that I was there when he needed me, and I was there to hold his hand as he took his last breath and that the last words that he spoke were "I love you baby"
Daddy I love you and miss you.
Merle J Bullard Sr
July 20, 1932 - May 15, 2004

Monday, July 16, 2007

Friend or Southern Friend

I had to share this. It was e mailed to me from a Southern Friend. I have known him since I was 3 years old. He and my dad worked together in law enforcement. It is so true!! We saw each other after many years a few weeks ago. Southern friends don't say hi or hello you get a BIG hug.

FRIENDS: Never ask for food.
SOUTHERN FRIENDS: Always bring the food. And lots of it.

FRIENDS: Will say "hello".
SOUTHERN FRIENDS: Will give you a big hug and a kiss. More than one.

FRIENDS: Call your parents Mr. and Mrs.
SOUTHERN FRIENDS: Call your parents Mom and Dad, and often.

FRIENDS: Have never seen you cry.
SOUTHERN FRIENDS: Cry with you. And for you.

FRIENDS: Will eat at your dinner table and leave.
SOUTHERN FRIENDS: Will spend hours there, talking, laughing, and just being together. Then do the dishes before leaving.

FRIENDS: Know a few things about you.
SOUTHERN FRIENDS: Could write a book with direct quotes fr om you. And most of the time know you better than you do yourself.

FRIENDS: Will leave you behind if that's what the crowd is doing.
SOUTHERN FRIENDS: Will kick the whole crowds' back-ends that left you. Then walk beside you in the front of the crowd.

FRIENDS: Would knock on your door.
SOUTHERN FRIENDS: Walk right in and say, "I'm home!" If you are not home they will wait.

FRIENDS: Are for a while.
SOUTHERN FRIENDS: Are for life. And then some.

Sunday, July 15, 2007

Family day

Yesterday I spent a lovely day with my nephew and his family. We spent the day at Kennedy Space Center. My nephew, his wife and their 6 year old son, my husband, myself and our 11 year old. It was a nice day. I had taken the 2 boys over spring break but enjoyed seeing it all again. I am amazed at all that goes on there. Of course DH being a mechanic thought that the engines were just the coolest thing.

It was nice to spend time together. My husband is on call so much of the time we really miss out on spending quality family time together and I know that one day we are going to wake up and our dear son is going to be grown. It doesn't seem like he should be 11 years old (or will be in just a couple of months).

The pictures were actually taken when we went in March over spring break.

Thursday, July 12, 2007

lets see if I can do this?

This will be my very first post. I have been so inspired by some of the blogs that I have seen. I decided that I would have to try it. There are so many ideas out there for decorating your home and such. In a house of all males, including the dog. I have decided that I am going to have to put forth the effort to have a few girly girl things. I adore the laundry bag on Cindy's my romantic house blog, and the covered hangers. Several years ago I would hit the thrift shops in the town where I worked on a semi regulard basis. I drove down there earlier this week and bought a couple of glasses. I found a beautiful set of china that was marked down to $125. I hope it is still there when school starts, and I go back to work.

Well, we will see if this works and how it looks